- 但是,执行DROP ASSEMBLY之后,任何调用程序集代码的尝试将失败。 However, after DROP ASSEMBLY executes, any attempts to invoke the assembly code will fail.
- 使用infile中的密钥对对已签名或部分签名的assembly进行测试签名。 Test sign the signed or partially signed assembly with the key pair in infile.
- 使用包含发出的Assembly、基于通用对象文件格式(COFF)的图像来加载Assembly。 Loads the Assembly with a common object file format (COFF) based image containing an emitted Assembly.
- D-test D-test
- Object-Z Object-Z
- 目的 研究 DFA( Design For Assembly)下影响产品装配质量的因素并对其进行评价 . Aim To study the factors influencing assembling quality of product under the condition of DFA (Desing for Assembly), and carry through the evaluation.
- E-test E-test
- Object.ARX ObjectARX
- E-test法 E-test method
- 使用PERF_OBJECT_TYPE结构的PerfFreq成员将时间转换为秒。 Use the PerfFreq member of the PERF_OBJECT_TYPE structure to convert the time into seconds.
- 若要修改类型,必须删除该类型,然后再重新创建,或者使用WITH UNCHECKED DATA子句发出ALTER ASSEMBLY语句。 To modify a type, you must either drop the type and then re-create it, or issue an ALTER ASSEMBLY statement by using the WITH UNCHECKED DATA clause.
- KOH-Test法 KOH - test
- Object-Z模型 Object-Z model
- Assembly属性在“程序集信息”对话框中设置,单击“项目设计器”的“应用程序”选项卡上的“应用程序信息”可访问该对话框。 Assembly attributes are set in the Assembly Information dialog box, which is available by clicking the Application Information button on the Application tab of the Project Designer.
- (=colloidal gold curve solution(test)) 胶体金曲线溶液(试验) Gold sol.
- 包含object_type为TR或TA的所有服务器级别DDL触发器的集合。 Contains the set of all server-level DDL triggers with object_type of TR or TA.
- Back-test检验 normal distribution test
- 基于Object的解决方案的第二个问题(通常更为严重)是类型安全。 The second (and often more severe) problem with the Object-based solution is type safety.
- 如果唯一可见性修饰符为internal(在Visual Basic中为Friend),则方法或构造函数的可见性由MethodAttributes.::.Assembly准确描述。 The visibility of a method or constructor is exactly described by MethodAttributes.::.Assembly if the only visibility modifier is internal (Friend in Visual Basic).
- Test-Per-Clock Test-Per-Clock